When launching the server for the first time, it will shutdown by itself. gradlew eclipse should have generated the run configurations automatically. Note: The following is aimed to help you setup run configurations for Eclipse and IntelliJ, if you do not want to be able to run SpongeForge directly from your IDE then you can skip this. This ensures that Intellij properly handles SpongeForge's Kotlin and Java dependencies. Make sure Create separate module per source set is selected. Older/newer Gradle versions may work but we only test using the wrapper.
Make sure Use default gradle wrapper is selected. Click File > New > Project from Existing Sources > Gradle and select the root folder for SpongeForge. Make sure you have the Gradle plugin enabled (File > Settings > Plugins). Check Sponge when it finishes building and click Finish. Select the root folder for SpongeForge and make sure Search for nested projects is enabled. Import Sponge as an existing project (File > Import > General). gradlew setupDecompWorkspace -refresh-dependencies gradlew script on Unix systems or onlyīefore you are able to build SpongeForge, you must first prepare the environment:
Local installations of Gradle may work but are untested.
The repo includes the Gradle wrapper that will automatically download the correct Gradle Note: SpongeForge uses Gradle as its build system.
The following steps will ensure your project is cloned properly. Currently not stable and under heavy development!Ī Forge implementation of the Sponge API.